Thursday 18 March 2010

Master Cleanse

This cleanse is pretty simple, drink 6 glasses of this concoction and eat NO food. The cleanse is a way to remove all the bad chemicals our modern world eating ways is piling into our system. Weight loss is one benefit of the cleanse however the mental and physical benefits are also meant to be extremely satisfactory. The system can be done from anything from 10 - 40 days however as this is the first time I have done a 'fast' I shall be aiming to complete the 10 day cycle.

I have made a bulk of it to last me the day, here is my ingredients -
6 oz filtered water
1 1/2 lemon juice from fresh lemons
12 tbsp maple syrup
cayenne pepper - 1/2 tsp
If you enjoy the spice of the pepper you can alter it as it has got quite a strong taste to it.

Day 1 -
So far so good, I am not hungry, I am going about my daily duties but nothing too stressful. Head is a little sore but I think that is due to me not having caffeine. Starting weight is 176kg, CHRISTMAS WEIGHT ARRGGGGGHHH!!! My system is already beginning to clear itself out throughout the day which is pretty weird seeing as I haven't eaten anything all day. It is only day one but it is looking good so far, keep you posted!

Day 2 -
I was feeling the effects of the toxins coming out of my system today and found myself in bed early mainly because I was tired but also not to be tempted by food in my tired state. Sleep was disturbed but overall I woke up on day 3 feeling better. I am going to drink so much more water on day 3 as I think one of my problems on day 2 was dehydration. On a good note my skin has completely cleared up, this is one of the benefits of the cleanse I am just hoping that the expelling of toxins doesn't make my come out in spots later on in the cleanse!

Day 3 -
Boy was I glad to see the end of today, according to my research this is the hardest of the days and you are most likely to crave things, for me all I want is broccoli!!!! Dear god what is going on! Even though it wouldn't be the end of the world to eat a head of broccoli I am staying strong! Still waiting for my laxatee to arrive as I am constantly thirsty as it is on this fast so a sea salt flush is probably not what my body needs nor does it sound appealing! For the time being I am drinking hot water with lemon and some peppermint tea, as long as your herbal tea does not contain caffeine your good to go! Head was sore for most of the day and had a lay down, I have stopped my cardio workouts for the time being and am going for walks during the days. I am hoping to get back in the gym to give my metabolism a bit of a boost.

Day 4 -
Woke up this morning with lots of energy and a positive outlook for the week ahead! No disposals today... hopefully this will be helped along when my tea arrives. One thing I have learnt is that I need to keep busy especially in the evening, although the fact that I am almost half way there is motivation in itself.

Day 5 -
This is the first day that I felt 'normal' and full of energy during the day as if I were eating again, except I felt lighter and not weighed down by food. In the evening I took it easy and nearly killed my flatmate for eating loads of food in front me! Sleep was not disturbed which makes a huge difference to the next day, top tip is to try and not have any liquids at least 3 hours before you hit the hay otherwise you will be up needing the bathroom at ridiculous hours of the night. Any hew that's me half way YAY! I am definitely feeling the benefits my head is clear, my skin is clear. Loving it!

Day 7 -
Energy is low low low!!! So glad I only have 3 days left! Foods cravings are still not around which is a bonus, however I have been woken twice with leg cramps! This could be to do with the lack of salt in my diet or perhaps a little dehydrated. My laxotee has still not arrived which is a pain and I know this is a big part of the cleanse, hopefully I shall be back on track once it arrives, hoping tomorrow. Even though I miss my cardio my studies and work have taken the energy out of my as it is so I am planning on keep on walking and wait until I am finished the cleanse. Haven't weighed myself since I have started so cant wait to jump on day 11 and see the results.

Day 8/9/10 -
My head has continued to be painful over these few days and I am extremely glad to be nearly finished. However my skin is still clear, dry chapped lips are gone and for the first time in 3 months my period has come! I cannot guarantee this is down to the cleanse but my research had led my to believe it is connected with various people getting different benefits from this from back pain relief and pain from arthritis disappearing! MAGICAL! My craving for a meal has not disappeared however when I think about it I have not been hungry which is a huge relief and my OJ tomorrow morning shall be drank with delight! No more squeezing 5 lemons a day YAY. I shall post my weight loss once I weight myself hopefully on day 12 as I don't have scales in my house. Even though this was never about the weight loss I am still excited to see how much it has changed. It is a positive thought to think that I haven't eaten in 10 days....

After the master cleanse -
Day one only drink fresh OJ, the first cup will be the most amazing glass of orange juice you have ever tasted, enjoy it! Day two OJ all day and then start getting those pans ready, homemade vegetable soup - NO CANS! You may also have a rye cracker, go slow with this one, my stomach hurt so bad after this. Day three if stomach cramps permit have OJ for breakfast, soup and rye for lunch and then some fruit/veg for your dinner. From here you should not make healthy choices and break your body in slowly, it hasn't eaten properly for 10 days! Well done and good luck.

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